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~ Flora & Fauna recorded at Stanford Reservoir ~

The links below open PDF documents of species groups casually recorded at Stanford Reservoir.

Birds - list of sightings from 2024

Birds - list of sightings from 2000

Birds - list of historical sightings (1930 - 1999)

Birds - Species Status Comments - narrative against all species found at Stanford Reservoir between 1930 and 2010
Bats - a report on bats at Stanford by Phil Richardson of Northants Bat Group
Butterflies - 26 species recorded from 1970
Dragonflies - 19 species recorded from 1990
Flora - Fred Littlemore's assessment of the Flora of Stanford Reservoir including 'provisional' lists of species found. Written in 2002
Mammals, Reptiles & Amphibians - species recorded since 1966
Moths - a short species list from an under-recorded location

Moth Report 2020 - By Theo de Clermont

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